Brockport Field Hockey promotes "Turn the Turf Teal"

Brockport Field Hockey promotes "Turn the Turf Teal"

CORTLAND, N.Y. - The Brockport field hockey team will be hosting a fundraiser game against Utica, September 18 to raise money for ovarian cancer research. To help their cause, they created a donation page for those who aren't local, but are still willing to donate.

The Brockport field hockey team has titled the fundraiser "Turn the Turf Teal", teal is the color that symbolizes ovarian cancer awareness. The Golden Eagles accumulated $563 in 15 days and hope to continue averaging just over $50 a day in donations to go well beyond their goal of $500. Brockport's fundraiser page allows donators to write a personal message. There are plenty of heartfelt messages detailing the struggles and successes of others dealing with ovarian cancer. 

The State University of New York Athletic Conference (SUNYAC) is proud to promote the goodwill of the field hockey team in its community. The Golden Eagles not only bring competitive athletics to their community, but they also use their position in the community to make positive change.

We encourage and support all our members who coordinate and run events in their community. The goal for Brockport's fundraiser has been met, but any additional contributions will strengthen their impact so continue donating and spreading awareness. If you would like to donate. Click here to go directly to Brockport's Field Hockey fundraiser page.

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