A Day in the Life of Monica Mack

A Day in the Life of Monica Mack

CORTLAND, N.Y. - The State University of New York Athletic Conference (SUNYAC) shares a glimpse into A Day in the Life of Potsdam's women's volleyball senior middle hitter Monica Mack. In 78 career matches Mack totaled 492 kills, 41 aces, 109 digs and 134 blocks while majoring in Biology and minoring in chemistry.

What time do you typically wake up?           

I typically wake up around 7 am so I can do school work before my 9 am classes.

What is one thing that you do (nearly) every day that keeps you on track for competition?

To keep on track for competition I like to do some sort of physical activity every day. Either yoga, working out, taking a walk/hike or practice.

What motivates you (to be the best in your sport)?

My teammates motivate me. I want to play well for them and hold them all to a high standard so it's important to me that I hold myself to that standard as well.

How do you stay connected with your teammates?

I live with two of my teammates so that helps me to stay connected. All my teammates also get together frequently to hang out at my house or cook dinner. Recently because of COVID I've been snapchatting and facetiming them a lot.

What is your top lunch choice?

My top lunch choice is chicken souvlaki. I make it myself and it's a great way to eat a ton of vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. Plus, it's DELICIOUS.

What time is practice?

We practice from 5-7:30pm.

What class are you looking forward to this semester?

I'm really looking forward to my human genetic diseases class this semester. I find both genetics and medicine fascinating and am excited to have a class that combines the two.

What helps you stay focused each day?

I'm a goal-oriented person, so making goals and having a busy schedule help to keep me motivated. I like to always be doing something and it helps me to stay motivated to get all my work done.

Favorite late night snack?

My favorite late-night snack is a tie between frozen grapes and ice cream. It's all about balance!!

How many hours a night do you typically sleep?

I usually sleep around 7-8 hours a night. I notice a huge difference in my ability to focus if I sleep any less than 6 so I try to be well rested every night.