A Day in the Life of Brinn Shaughnessy

A Day in the Life of Brinn Shaughnessy

CORTLAND, N.Y. - The State University of New York Athletic Conference (SUNYAC) looks into a Day in the Life of Fredonia women's volleyball student-athlete Brinn Shaughnessy. The junior childhood inclusive education (social science concentration) played in 20 matches and recorded 103 kills and seven blocks in the 2019 season.

What time do you typically wake up? 

Around 8:30

What is one thing that you do (nearly) every day that keeps you on track for competition? 

I try to stretch everyday. I didn't stretch nearly enough before coming to Fredonia, and now working with the athletic trainers here I see how important it is to keep everything loose. It's really helped with my recovery, and I always feel 10x better afterwards.

What motivates you (to be the best in your sport)? 

I'm extremely competitive, so I'm constantly thinking about our next game and what I have to work on personally to help my team win. For me the best feeling in volleyball is when you have a great kill, and I want that every time I hit, so I'm always pushing myself harder to get that feeling again.

How do you stay connected with your teammates? 

We talk in our group chats, but a lot of us live together so we usually hang out at everyone's houses.

What is your top lunch choice? 

Almost everyday I eat a kale salad with chicken and lots of vegetables on it.

What time is practice? 

It changes depending on the day, but it's usually 5-7 or 6-8.

What class are you looking forward to/enjoy this semester?

I really love my Educational Psychology class. It's extremely interesting so far, and I'm excited to get more into the material. 

What helps you stay focused each day? 

I plan my weeks out in advance by making checklists with all my assignments and things I need to do for volleyball. I need a plan to make sure that I have time to get everything done, and I love checking things off after I finish it.

Favorite late night snack? 

Cheese dip

How many hours a night do you typically sleep?

I usually get around 8 hours of sleep.