Chatham at Fredonia September 3, 2024

(1-0-1, 0-0-0)
(1-1-1, 0-0-0)
Final 1 2 T
Chatham 1 0 1
Fredonia 1 0 1

Box Score



0 - Kush, Jason - gk 0 0 0 0 90
2 - Struble, Hudson - def 0 0 0 0 50
4 - Johnston, Xavier - def 0 0 0 0 71
5 - Sullivan, Colin - def 0 0 0 0 90
6 - LaBarbera, Francis - def - Yellow card 61:24 1 0 0 0 90
7 - Chun, Stone - def 0 0 0 0 22
10 - Miller, Xavier - mid 0 0 0 0 19
12 - Grubic, Bryce - fwd 0 0 0 0 69
15 - Coppin, Azavier - fwd 4 2 0 0 90
17 - Donahue, Liam - def 1 1 0 0 33
20 - Holub-Smith, Owen - def 0 0 0 0 28
21 - Ayers, Charlie - def 0 0 0 0 50
22 - Manse, Caleb - mid 0 0 0 0 82
23 - Knox, Justin - fwd 1 1 1 0 26
24 - Haas, Bennett - fwd 0 0 0 0 21
27 - Romo, Izeyah - mid 1 0 0 0 69
30 - Xhafa, Albi - mid 0 0 0 1 90
TM - TEAM 0 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 8 4 1 1 990


0 - Thomas McDonald - gk 0 0 0 0 90
2 - Lee Hartke - mid 0 0 0 0 70
3 - Brendan Adams - def 2 0 0 0 50
4 - Zach Luce - def 0 0 0 0 7
5 - Kye Castelluccio - def - Yellow card 46:02 1 0 0 0 90
7 - Liam Walsh - mid 2 1 0 0 90
8 - Chance Lacroix - fwd 0 0 0 0 54
9 - Sam Evans - mid 4 1 0 0 49
10 - Freddie Butler - mid 1 0 0 0 83
11 - Brian Taylor - fwd 2 1 1 0 74
13 - Jake Murray - def 0 0 0 0 1
15 - Vincent DiBello - fwd 1 0 0 0 35
16 - Dylan McAfee - mid 0 0 0 0 15
18 - Hudson Kwiatkowski - def 3 1 0 0 90
20 - Jacob Niccola - mid 1 0 0 0 19
21 - Kyto Magee - fwd 0 0 0 0 12
27 - Ryan Ameis - def 2 0 0 0 90
28 - Liam Winters - fwd 2 0 0 0 49
29 - Carson Teijeria - fwd 2 1 0 0 28
TM - TEAM 0 0 0 0 0
TOTALS 23 5 1 0 996

Chatham Goalies

0 - Kush, Jason (T, 0-0-1) 5 1 4 90:00

Fredonia Goalies

0 - Thomas McDonald (T, 0-0-1) 4 1 3 90:00

Scoring Summary

Period Time Play V - H
1st 06:22 Justin Knox (1) (Albi Xhafa) 1 - 0
1st 34:46 Brian Taylor (1) (unassisted) - Penalty Kick 1 - 1

Penalty Summary

Period Time Fouls
2nd 46:02 Yellow card - Kye Castelluccio
2nd 61:24 Yellow card - Francis LaBarbera
Chatham 4 4 8
Fredonia 11 12 23
Chatham 1 3 4
Fredonia 1 2 3
Chatham 0 0 0
Fredonia 3 7 10
Chatham 3 3 6
Fredonia 1 5 6

Game Information

Date/Time: September 3, 2024 - 06:00
Location: Fredonia
Stadium: University Stadium
Game Length: 16:04
Attendance: 60
Referee: Patrick Ohara
Asst. Referee: Stephanie Serrano
Asst. Referee: Daniel Simich

Play By Play


00:00 McDonald, Thomas at goalie for Fredonia
00:00 Kush, Jason at goalie for Chatham
01:16 Shot by CHAT LaBarbera, Francis, out right.
01:16 Shot by Fred Evans, Sam, out top.
06:22 Goal!GOAL by CHAT Knox, Justin Assist by Xhafa, Albi.
( 1 - 0 )
03:29 Corner kick [03:29].
03:53 Shot by Fred Kwiatkowski, Huddy, out top right.
06:39 Shot by Fred Evans, Sam, top woodwork.
07:26 Shot by Fred Winters, Liam, out top left.
13:13 Shot by Fred Butler, Frederick, out top.
20:36 Shot by Fred Evans, Sam, out right.
21:31 Offside against Fredonia.
25:25 Substitution!Fred substitution: Teijeria, Carson for Evans, Sam.
25:25 Substitution!Fred substitution: Niccola, Jacob for Winters, Liam.
25:25 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Struble, Hudson for Johnston, Xavier.
25:25 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Miller, Xavier for Ayers, Charlie.
25:25 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Donahue, Liam for Knox, Justin.
26:08 Corner kick [26:08].
26:33 Shot by Fred Niccola, Jacob, out right.
27:03 Shot by CHAT Coppin, Azavier, out top.
28:53 Corner kick [28:53].
30:57 Substitution!Fred substitution: DiBello, Vincent for Lacroix, Chance.
30:57 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Chun, Stone for Grubic, Bryce.
30:57 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Haas, Bennett for Romo, Izeyah.
32:48 Substitution!Fred substitution: Magee, Kyto for Taylor, Brian.
Foul on Miller, Xavier
34:46 Fred Brian Taylor PENALTY KICK GOAL.
36:24 Substitution!Fred substitution: Adams, Brendan for Booth, Liam.
36:24 Substitution!Fred substitution: unknown player for Teijeria, Carson.
36:42 Foul on Chun, Stone.
37:24 Shot by Fred Walsh, Liam, out top.
38:00 Substitution!Fred substitution: Luce, Zach for Butler, Frederick.
38:34 Substitution!Fred substitution: Teijeria, Carson for unknown player.
38:39 Shot by Fred Teijeria, Carson, bottom right, saved by Kush, Jason.
41:01 Shot by CHAT Donahue, Liam, top right, saved by McDonald, Thomas.
41:44 Foul on LaBarbera, Francis.
42:39 Shot by Fred Castelluccio, Kye, out left.
43:04 Substitution!Fred substitution: Murray, Jake for DiBello, Vincent.
43:58 Foul on Kwiatkowski, Huddy.
45:00 End of period [45:00].
-- End of 1st Period --
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45:00 Start of 2nd period [45:00].
45:00 FOR CHAT: , #0 Kush, Jason, #2 Struble, Hudson, #5 Sullivan, Colin, #6 LaBarbera, Francis, #4 Johnston, Xavier, #15 Coppin, Azavier, #12 Grubic, Bryce, #22 Manse, Caleb, #21 Ayers, Charlie, #27 Romo, Izeyah, #30 Xhafa, Albi.
45:00 FOR Fred: , #0 McDonald, Thomas, #2 Hartke, Lee, #5 Castelluccio, Kye, #7 Walsh, Liam, #8 Lacroix, Chance, #9 Evans, Sam, #10 Butler, Frederick, #11 Taylor, Brian, #18 Kwiatkowski, Huddy, #27 Ameis, Ryan, #28 Winters, Liam, #3 Adams, Brendan.
45:00 Substitution!Fred substitution: Lacroix, Chance for Murray, Jake.
45:00 Substitution!Fred substitution: Evans, Sam for Teijeria, Carson.
45:00 Substitution!Fred substitution: Butler, Frederick for Luce, Zach.
45:00 Substitution!Fred substitution: Taylor, Brian for Magee, Kyto.
45:00 Substitution!Fred substitution: Winters, Liam for Niccola, Jacob.
45:00 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Johnston, Xavier for Chun, Stone.
45:00 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Grubic, Bryce for Miller, Xavier.
45:00 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Ayers, Charlie for Donahue, Liam.
45:00 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Romo, Izeyah for Haas, Bennett.
45:00 Substitution!Fred substitution: Hartke, Lee for Evans, Sam.
46:02 Yellow card on Fred Castelluccio, Kye.
46:50 Offside against Fredonia.
48:14 Foul on Xhafa, Albi.
48:39 Shot by Fred Adams, Brendan, out right.
50:32 Shot by Fred Ameis, Ryan, out top.
54:05 Foul on Butler, Frederick.
55:21 Shot by CHAT Coppin, Azavier, bottom left, saved by McDonald, Thomas.
55:38 Shot by CHAT Romo, Izeyah, left woodwork.
56:40 Foul on LaBarbera, Francis.
57:28 Shot by Fred Taylor, Brian.
57:39 Corner kick [57:39].
58:16 Substitution!Fred substitution: Evans, Sam for Hartke, Lee.
60:37 Shot by Fred Winters, Liam, out top.
61:03 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Donahue, Liam for Struble, Hudson.
61:03 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Holub-Smith, Owen for Ayers, Charlie.
61:24 Yellow card on CHAT LaBarbera, Francis.
64:03 Foul on Winters, Liam.
64:39 Foul on Manse, Caleb.
65:57 Corner kick [65:57].
67:09 Substitution!Fred substitution: DiBello, Vincent for Lacroix, Chance.
67:09 Substitution!Fred substitution: Teijeria, Carson for Winters, Liam.
67:09 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Chun, Stone for Manse, Caleb.
68:44 Shot by Fred Evans, Sam, bottom center, saved by Kush, Jason.
69:05 Shot by Fred DiBello, Vincent.
69:12 Corner kick [69:12].
71:40 Shot by Fred Walsh, Liam, bottom center, saved by Kush, Jason.
72:06 Shot by CHAT Coppin, Azavier, bottom right, saved by McDonald, Thomas.
73:15 Corner kick [73:15].
73:53 Shot by Fred Adams, Brendan, out top.
74:21 Substitution!Fred substitution: McAfee, Dylan for Taylor, Brian.
74:21 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Ayers, Charlie for Grubic, Bryce.
74:21 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Haas, Bennett for Romo, Izeyah.
75:17 Corner kick [75:17].
75:33 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Manse, Caleb for Donahue, Liam.
75:33 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Struble, Hudson for Chun, Stone.
77:41 Shot by Fred Teijeria, Carson, out left.
78:25 Substitution!Fred substitution: Taylor, Brian for Adams, Brendan.
78:25 Substitution!Fred substitution: Hartke, Lee for Teijeria, Carson.
79:58 Shot by Fred Ameis, Ryan.
80:36 Shot by CHAT Coppin, Azavier, right woodwork.
81:38 Substitution!Fred substitution: Adams, Brendan for Evans, Sam.
81:38 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Romo, Izeyah for Ayers, Charlie.
81:38 Substitution!CHAT substitution: Grubic, Bryce for Haas, Bennett.
82:20 Foul on Walsh, Liam.
84:41 Corner kick [84:41].
85:03 Shot by Fred Kwiatkowski, Huddy, out top.
86:24 Corner kick [86:24].
86:36 Shot by Fred Kwiatkowski, Huddy, bottom center, saved by Kush, Jason.
88:05 Foul on Kwiatkowski, Huddy.
88:45 Foul on DiBello, Vincent.
90:00 End of period [90:00].
-- End of 2nd Period --
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